About the artist

Painting is something that I very much love to do. It has given me a great deal of comfort throughout my life and I very much feel at home while I do it. Abstract art and surrealism are the greatest influences for me and my work. I love the idea of creating a piece of work that is subjective; anyone can apply their own interpretation, feelings, or emotions to it. I believe that the abstract movement allowed art to be for everyone. It’s for every mood, every type of person, at any stage of their life. Surrealism is important to me because I enjoy creating other worlds. I enjoy the idea of putting the person viewing my work into a world they might not have seen before, which then creates a mood that they may not have thought to be in. Surrealism is powerful in that way.

There is not one painting that I have created that I did not put my whole self into. When you buy one of my paintings not only are you supporting me as an artist, you're getting a part of me that only exists on the canvas that you have bought. As an artist it’s an unbelievable feeling to know that you can connect with someone through art. If I can move you in any way with my work then I have succeeded as an artist.